Weightloss Chronicles

Well, I am sitting in my room… really trying to force myself to workout. I havent workout in about a month. *long deep sigh* However, today after my non- on fleek nap, I felt sad. I do not know where this sadness came from, but it was how I felt. So i decided i would get back on track with other things that are important to me, like health and music. I have put on my work ouy clothes and have my Polar heart rate monitor.  Shoe on the side.. workout dvds in place and water ready. However, i still feel blah. I still feel unmotivated.  I know i have goals to meet. That should be motivation enough, however, today it isnt. I will most likely pray.  Suck up whatever pouting i will do and exercise for at least 30 minutes. 

On a brighter note: I reach my water intake goal.
Silver linings.


Weight loss chronicles #2

Well, today I am planning to work out. I will do some cardio. I feel like it is needed. I am still on track with my goals for the month. I am excited because I can see myself reaching it. So I am going to keep pushing and striving. I will be a healthy vessel. I will win. I will overcome.
Every day is a struggle though. Today I really want some cake. I have been stressing and my sweet tooth is speaking loud and clear, but I am going to make me a smoothie when I get home ans hope that soothes the craving.
Brighter days are ahead.


Weight Loss Chronicles

It has been a while since I have written about my weight loss journey. So here is whats new… I have made some clear cut goals for October. So far, I am on track.  I weighed myself this morning and I damn near broke down in tears. I was so excited because I have gotten down to a weight I have not been in over a year. And I plan to keep on releasing the weight. I am using Weight Watchers to help me stay on track with my eating. I am also being more aware of my portion sizes. Lastly,  on yesterday I decided to put myself first. For so long, I put others needs and wants before my own… that shit is stressful.. so I decided to just focus on me, worry about me… put me first. ‘Cause aint notbody else gonna do it for me. And I cant be a service to anyone if I am not right with me.
Im gonna go workout now!


Stress and weight loss :/

Today..well a few minutes ago… I went in the kitchen… I desperately wanted something sweet…ice cream. However, there wasnt any ice cream available.  I searched and found cookies. Not really found because they werent lost. As I walked over to the cookies.. I stopped, asked myself…why do I want something sweet? I wasnt hungry.i had two cookies earlier in the day, but here I was 11pm…searching for sugar..then it hit me.. an emotional response. I had some feelings of anxiety and I was basically looking for something to fill that space up instead of facing it. Kinda like novocain. Numbing.
I didnt eat the cookies.. instead, I am about to work out. Stress reliever.
I am trying to be better and healthier. 

Late night work out

I worked out tonight. Two days in a row. I wasnt able to complete the whole session. I think my thoughts got the best of me. However,  I did do 20 minutes. Tomorrow I will do some cardio before work and another after.
Even though I did not finish the whole work out, I am proud of myself. Instead of letting this day go by and no workout.. I got up and I did the damn thing with what I did. Slow but steady. I’m ready! Life can throw some curve balls, and I am thankful. Those curve balls have allowed me to focus more on myself. Get me right and healthy in all areas not just physically but mentally, spiritually,  emotionally…all around!